Hello Learners,  In today’s time, you can see lots of platforms for blogging, where you can easily create a blogger site.  But the question arises which blogging platform is right for you.

Hello Friend's

In the present time, you can see heaps of stages for blogging, where you can without much of a stretch make a blogger webpage. 

In any case, the inquiry emerges which blogging stage is directly for you. 

BloggerWordPress, and Tumblr? These are only 3 well-known stages. 

Numerous clients like BlogSpot on the grounds on the grounds that there are less specialized issues and numerous customers love WordPress because of its extended power, features, and highlights. 

Concerning blogging, we have a great deal of choices to start a blog:
  • WordPress: Blog
  • Blogger: Blog
  • Tumblr: Blog
  • Weebly: Blog
  • Medium: Blog
  • Wix: Blog
Most of the users who want to start blogging have this query in their mind that which blogging platform should choose, Blogger or WordPress for blogging? And, Which blogging platform is better?

Most of the people who are doing blogging, suggest you pick WordPress in contrast with the blogger, as there are such huge numbers of advantages of it.

We will talk about 2 popular blogging platforms, which is WordPress and Blogger and try to tell you about Blogger Vs. WordPress – Which one is Better & Why? Quick Comparision.
Anyway, here we will reveal to you the highlights of Blogger and WordPress, then you choose your own which will be the best appropriate for you, also clarify which one is better for specific circumstances and why.

We trust that after this article, you will have the capacity to choose the right platform for blogging which is most appropriate for you.

In the beginning, many bloggers use Blogger (Blogspot) and then switch to WordPress later. This does not mean that Blogspot is not good. There are still many popular blogs on the blogger platform and generating good revenue.

What Is Blogger And Its Features:–

I think every one of you is aware of it that Blogger is a free tool of Google, with the assistance of which you can make a blog.

Blogger sites work great for individuals who want to begin a blog without venture or with 0 investment.

Let’s go through with some special and interesting Blogger Features and highlights–

1. Easy to Use:– Even if you are a newbie or you don’t have any kind of technical skills, you can easily start your free blog in blogger by following some simple and easy steps.

2. It’s free:– Creating a blog on Blogger is completely free and there are no charges by any means. Blogger does not charge any membership expenses, registration expenses, sub-domain expenses, hosting expenses.

3. Free templates and Customization on blogger:– lots of free templates are accessible on Blogger sites. You can pick any template of the blogger on your blog according to your necessity.

Besides free themes or free customization, you can edit the layout without CSS. If you need to customize the layout then you have full access to it, and you can edit the default HTML, CSS, Javascript code as indicated by your need.


4. Free Hosting from Google:– One of the greatest advantages of Blogger is its free hosting services. With Free hosting, its greatest point is as, it is using Google product and, it is using Google hosting, Due to this your blogger sites will never down with heavy traffic and 99.999% up-time.

Blogger does not perform out the webpage down on the site’s load peak. Here, you don’t have to stress over hosting plans when your site is well known.

5. The advantage of Google Platform:– Because the blogger is Google’s item, so it turns out to be effortlessly coordinated with Google’s other services or item. You can access all these with a single email id.

6. Security:– Google continues refreshing the security patches of the blogger as per the necessity, so you don’t need to stress over anything.

7. Domain Name:– When you make a blog on a blogger, you can make your sub-domain on a Blogspot with no custom domain name, and later you can link it to a blogger by the custom domain name.

8. Site Indexing:– Do you know that the blogger site will be indexed on google with 24 hrs. Faster blogger site indexing means your blog will get traffic soon.

9. Simple to utilize and understand:– Blogger is viewed as the least demanding blogging stage and its reason is its interface and features.

Blogger Vs WordPress

Above we have explained in detail the features and advantages of the blogger. Now, we will clarify the difference between the blogger and WordPress, which will assist you with understanding the best appropriate platform. 

There are 2 versions of WordPress; One is wordpress.com and another wordpress.org. One is free and for the second you need to get the hosting.

We will talk about the self-hosted WordPress blog in this post. So let’s start, which blogging platform is better

  • What is WordPress? A Beginner Guide – Top 10 Reason to use WordPress By BloggingKK
  • What is Blogging?-How to start a blog for free and make money

1. Ownership (ownership)

Blogger was started by a company called Pyra Labs and Google bought it in 2003. Now blogger.com or blogspot.com is Google’s property. All its data and scripts are stored on Google, and you can not access their server.

If you have a Google Account, you can easily open your blog. With an account, you can create 100 blogs. But while this is in Google’s server, it means Google can delete your account whenever you want, and you can not claim any more for it.

In self-hosted WP. you have to install WordPress software in a hosting. You can run it whenever you want, and you can close it whenever you want. You will have your data, which you can transfer later to another hosting.

2. Control (control)

Blogger has a simple management system for every blog, so you can easily manage your blog. But if you want to add some extra to your calculations then it is not possible. Whatever options are given in it, you will have to work from that.

WordPress is a cms which is an open source software. It means that you can modify it at your own discretion, and you can add features to whatever you like.

If you want to create a website for your company, you can easily create it through WordPress. wordpress.org has a lot of plugins, which gives new blog new features. By plugging him, you can change a lot without changing coding without having to do it in your blog.

3. Look (Appearance)

Of the templates, I’m talking about Template is a design that you can change your blog to look at. If you talk about Blogspot, there are very few official templates in it, but for a beginner, it is not possible to change your mind.

There are many non-official websites that offer free and template version of premium, but they are very low quality. By using them, you and your users will not be feeling a premium.

There are so many free and premium templates available for WP blog or website. Your blog or your company’s website, you will find a better design theme there. By using that you can give your blog premium look and feel. And changing to WordPress themes is easier than Blogspot.

4. Security (Security)

Google is the best website in the world and the blogger platform is hosted on its server. If you create your blog in Blogspot, then you will get the security of Google’s strong security.

Nobody will easily hack your blog and Google will manage it easily as much as you like. This means that your blog will never be slow for more visitors.

WordPress is also very safe, but you will have to take care of its security as well. If you are hosting a limited resource, then it will not be able to handle more visitors. You have to buy a powerful server for that. There are lots of WP plugins, which protect your blog from hackers and help keep your blog secure.

5. Transfer (transfer)

It is possible to transfer your blog to another platform in Blogspot, Blogger provides a facility for export, Exporting blogger to another platform will affect your site in terms on customization and also This will have a bad effect on your SEO, which will reduce your visitors and also cause huge losses.

Whether you want to transfer WordPress to another hosting or another platform, you can easily do it.

6. Updates

The Blogger platform is very behind in adding new features and in the new update lane. It is sometimes used to add new features, which is equal to none. Google has shut down many of its products in the past few years, so there is no guarantee that Blogger will not be locked in the future.

Because WordPress is an open source software, it does not depend on any company or developer. Its update comes many times a year. If you want, you can also modify and update it for your company accordingly.

7. SEO (search engine optimization)

In the case of SEO Blogger has already got a little better. But not enough to fulfill all your needs.

WordPress is SEO friendly and has many free and premium plugins, which can help you in ranking your blog or website on google. In terms of SEO, between Blogspot vs WordPress is the best.

Every one of your knows that Blogger’s blog or websites are hosted on Google’s servers, so you don’t have much authority over databases and records, while in the free WordPress self-hosted blog you have blogs on your preferred server so, all the database and documents of your blog are fully accessible to you only.

8. Difficulty level

Creating and utilizing a blog on Blogger is very simple compared to WordPress. You can make Blogger in under a couple of minutes in the wake of having less technical skills, But in free WordPress, you need specialized technical skills.

9. Expandability

Despite many features, tools, and templates accessible on Blogger, it is not as much as WordPress. After a point of time in Blogger, you can not expand your blog while a lot of adaptability and expandability is possible in free WordPress. There are a large number of simple to utilize free and paid plugins in free WordPress that can help you in expanding your blog.

10. Look and appearance

Well there are lots of templates and format choices in blogger, but they are not that much professional in the blogger as in WordPress. To improve the appearance and look in WordPress, there are many free and paid choices are available as compared to blogger. You can give a proficient look to your blog with WordPress.

11. Hosting

In making Blogger, you don’t need to stress over any sort of hosting cost, while in WordPress, you need to buy a web hosting package from a decent hosting provider to make a blog.

Well if you go to WordPress.com then you get free blog facilitating however with restriction, you can not put advertisements on there.

That is the reason we are here to disclose to you the difference between WordPress self-hosted service and the difference between the blogger platform of Google (self-hosted WordPress.org).

12. Support

blogger has a limited help support system as compared to WordPress. In Blogger, you get some online documentation and network support, but that isn’t sufficient, while WordPress has exceptionally dynamic help discussions which can assist you any time.

Now we will See User Interface of Both Blogger or WordPress

Your blog should be responsive so that your blog will well appear in all the search engines and also your readers will get your content in the best possible manner.



Blogger User Interface
When you create a new blog on blogger, a default blogger basic template will be installed on your blog. But, in today’s time, there are lots of new and responsive blogger templates are coming day by day.

These new templates have a classy look and design and, also you can customize them. Blogger templates are available in both free and paid method. It’s totally your choice what type of blogger template you choose for making your blog more attractive and responsive.

Many companies also provide widgets in blogger templates to enhance the look of your blog. For example, social media counters, youtube subscribe button, latest posts, newsletter widgets etc. That’s why I don’t think that blogger is outdated or lagging behind WordPress.



When it comes to WordPress, you can design or customize your blog theme according to your need and convenience, this will help you in creating your blog according to your wish.

WordPress gives you plugins and themes in both free and paid method. You can download plugins from the WordPress.

If we talk about widgets, then in WordPress you will get every type of plugin for every widget you want in your blog.

Blogger Vs WordPress Which One Is Better & Why?

1. BLOGSPOT: Why And Why Not?

Blogspot or blogger platform is very important when you are a newbie in the field of blogging and, you just want to share your thoughts with the online users.

If you want to do blogging for passion & interest, not for money. Then blogger is best for you. For doing blogging on blogger you don’t need any type of technical skills. Blogspot is really very simple and easy to use.

When it comes to features and SEO benefits of blogger, It is limited in blogger. But if you want to do it with 0 investment then blogger in best fit for you.

But, if you want to do blogging for money, fame or for your brand image. Then Blogspot is not the right place. I am saying all this because blogger has limited features in terms of customization, SEO, visibility, etc. At the end, we can say that blogger is limited as compared to WordPress.

As we all know that blogger is Google’s product. That’s why many people said that blogger is a better platform in term of SEO and its advantages. But trust me, it’s a pure rumour.

It doesn’t matter which platform you are using for blogging, whether it is blogger or WordPress. SEO totally depends on how you are doing search engine optimization of your sites.

2. WordPress: Why And Why Not?

WordPress is a blogging platform which gives you full control of your blog, and you can easily customize according to your need with your little technical skills. You will get complete control over your blog’s SEO. You can host your own files and plugins. Plugins help in making your blog more friendly.

WordPress gives you complete freedom with your blog. It totally your choice you can do anything with your blog when you are using WordPress. For this, you just have to install WordPress on your server and from there you can maintain your blog overall.

If you are creating a blog, thinking that you will make that blog popular. And, also you want to earn money from that blog. Then for sure, you should prefer the WordPress blog.

In all the above points you would have been aware of what you will get and what is not. I am using blogger myself in this, it does not mean I’m taking the side. Both platforms have their place right. But you have to decide what is right for you.

I started my first blog in Blogspot. If you do not know about blogging, how is it done, then Blogspot is right for you. You do not have to spend a single penny on it. During blogging, you can register at wordpress.com and test how they all work.

In Blogger vs WordPress, WP is the best blog for me, but if you take the blogging seriously then no matter which platform you are using blogger or WordPress! If you want to learn to blog, then the blogger’s platform is right for you.

Final Words

Hope you liked this post and you will also get help in choosing the right blogging platform. If you have any doubt or need some information then you can ask me.